Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Yes. Today.
     Today was...

     Today had me as David Tennant - or The Doctor, whichever you prefer - standing out in the rain.
     Yeah. Bit not good, that.
     I mean. It's only day two. Why get so dramatic when it's only my second day in this project, right? Why get so dramatic in day two of this wonderful, brilliant, fantastic, amazing, simply superb blogging project that I am enjoying immensely and I must continue enjoying it immensely FOR THE NEXT WEEK AND A HALF. 
     Oh yeah, baby. Caps Lock is ON. 

 WHO'S FLIPPIN' IDEA WAS THIS ANYWAY TO MAKE THIS PROJECT TWO WEEKS LONG? MR. ROSS! Well, let me tell you something, Rockus Ross - or whatever in the name of some deity his adjective was - I AM 

     Alright. Yes. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. It's just - these damn emotions. I'm calm now. 
     Really, though. Today was really not - it goes on the Bit Not Good list. There are lots of things that go on the Bit Not Good list which are things that are not good and Today with a capital "T". 
    Woke up. Showered. Yes. Fine. Boring. Like breathing. Breathing's boring.
    I got kind of emotional during third period when She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named sat in my group for Econ/Gov. and then promptly left 2 minutes later.
     Logically, I knew She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named shouldn't have sat down in the vicinity of my presence in the first place, which is what I was hoping she would and wouldn't do. But when she did, I had a sort of moment of internal victory dances going on inside.

     All I could think of was, "Oh my god she's sitting right next to me what do I do okay just look away she doesn't exist ignore her bloody hell that's even worse than not looking at her okay calm down calm I am calm calmcalmcalmcalmCALM."
     So I did. I calmed down. I was pleasant. Peaceful. I could handle it. I could handle having her less than a foot away and not being able to talk or look at her. I had it, I was good. 
     And then she moved seats and I just

     To clear up my emotions here, I randomly started thinking that she hated me for some reason and she couldn't stand to be around me and she found out that she liked other people better so she decided to switch seats. It could've had something to do with the fact that only minutes before, I'd had someone tell me to act like we hated each other. That coupled with grief ended up with me and this

     It took me far longer than it really should have for me to realise that she moved not because she hated me, but because the other group only had 2 people in it, and ours had 4 - including her - so she moved because she felt like she had to, for them. (We were playing a game that involved extra credit points and good stuff.)
     See? SEE. I know her mind inside and out. I have deduced this with my own knowledge and I am 100% sure that I am right.
     Overall. It's the second day of our fourteen day project, and I think I am doing well. 
     I'm going to talk about more positive stuff now!
     Well, I. Um. It was 11;40PM when I started this post. Now it's 12:15AM. 
     Hour lunch today. Anyone want to hang?

1 comment:

  1. I REALLY enjoy your style of writing, especially the parts that let us hear what was going through your head as stuff was happenin'.

    And good job with the project! I know it's been really hard for you, but it's really quite brilliant :)
