Saturday, February 9, 2013

Let's Get This Party Started

Honestly, I'd like to just postpone this little fiesta to the end of the Never-Never, but I have come to the inevitable fact that you cannot postpone homework for as long as you want.
     Or, you can... You just... can't. Feel me? (No, that wasn't an invitation, pervs.)
     So, at the start of yet again another "Blogging out of my comfort zone" project, this year I am going to go two weeks without my - how do I put this lightly - soulmate.
     Let's just clear up the facts here.
     I don't mean soulmate as in the romantic depiction some people might have of it.
     I mean soulmate as in everything but the romantic depiction some people might have of it. Jah?
     For two weeks, I will be unable to talk, text, interact with, look at - well, basically, she won't exist to me for the next fourteen days.
     And by she I mean Lock.
     Yes. Hello. Hi.
     Now, before you click the "back" button to escape from this awful blog, just don't. Keep reading until you're done reading, and then click the "back" button to escape from this wonderful blog.
     Lock and I have been inseparable since 4th grade. So, about, half my existence. She's basically my comfort zone in all things comforting. I need her like Watson needs his Sherlock. (See what I did there?)
     (Me neither because I didn't really do anything.)
     (I'm just ninja like that.)

Just think of THIS ^ but without the obvious sexual tension and "Come hither" eyes they are making at each other.
     Maybe more like this.
     Yes. Yes. Less eye-sex, more friendliness.
     Back to the point.
     Stop getting distracted, guys, c'mon. Srsly tho.
     In addition to basically chopping off all my limbs, I will be killing two birds with one stone. Everyday, for lunch, I will go off and eat with different groups of people. 
     Because I am almost socially inept and very awkward and have a hard time making new friends and starting a conversation with someone who isn't Lock.
     So, this'll be a nice, fun, interesting little experiment. 
     I might go crazy by the end of it, but, hey, I'm already pretty insane now, so there's really no difference.
     Also, if any of y'all would like an additional voice during lunch at any time (except Tuesdays) I would love to join you because you are all lovely and awesome and I am lovely and awesome and together we'll just create a big cuddly balloon of loveliness and awesomeness and rule the world with it.


  1. Very interesting. I've done the same with my friend from middle school when I moved to Thailand but for one year, then we discovered skype. Anyway best of luck to ya, it's good your expanding your world.

  2. I like what you did there with the Watson and the Sherlock. It's very nice. You can come eat lunch in between the 10's building and the 40's sort of downhill from the 50's anytime you like. There's always a group sitting in the grass.

  3. I absolutely love your blog! It's so full of character and all the visuals really helped me gain perspective of what this change is like for you! Awesome idea! Best of luck, keep posting! :)
