So just in case you missed it - or you're me and just want to keep rewatching the video and gaze at the awesome reunion pictures - here is Lock and I on our final day of the blogging project. (And then you have Jessi in the background just going
(That IS Jessi right? I hope it's Jessi. Otherwise that'd be awkward.)
Sorry, the video is crap and really pixelated and everything sounds like the computer ate it and threw it up...and then ate that and pooped it out.
Did you need a visual? Probably not.
And then you have Lock and I looking all happy and internally just --
Pretty much like "OhmygodwecantalktoeachothernowandOMGyou'retouchingmehihihiit'sbeensolongholycrapIcanactuallylaughwithyounowandlookatyouandbewithyouandomgmyfeels."
I was hoping our reunion would be something like this
But it ended up more like this.
Which is still pretty friggin' awesome if you ask me. (I knew you weren't but that's just too bad.)
And now we're like this.
Yeah guys, life is good. The world is now spinning on it's axis again. I made some new friends, learned what life is without Lock, and figured out that we're probably never doing that again.
It's funny, too, because while we were apart, we also wrote letters to each other - sort of like diary entries - and we were going to show them to the other one when this was all said and done. So, when that happened, it was a surprise - no, not really - that a lot of our thoughts paralleled. Like, on some days, we would be writing about the exact same thing, or having the exact same emotions and then conveying them in the same way. It's - unexplainable, really. But it just makes sense. It isn't really a shock, it just goes to show how in tune we are with each other, but it was nice to know that, although we weren't together at all, our minds were still somehow connected on the same wavelength. I mean, how cool is that? Like, how often is it that you find someone who basically is the oher half of your brain, of your soul, of you? Even my dad has often commented that it's rare to find someone like that in life, and that I'm lucky to have her.
I don't really believe in a god - I'm not biased towards any religion, really, I kind of just float along - but I sincerely believe in reincarnation and that, in all my other lifetimes, and all the centuries that have passed, Lock and I have come together each and every time, and we will continue to do so in the next life. I know that may sound odd, but I dare you to tell me that it isn't at least half believable. How else can we be so in tune with each other?
Anyways, sorry to get all weird on you.
Have a good day, guys!